Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life's Veritable Heirloom

The old, weathered minds
watch the young hearts
unlit and passionless -
small babes cry tears
by over-moroseness and inner salt lakes -
salt lake beds bleeding into youthful
rolling streams carving faithful deltas
on psyches and snap-dragon skins.

While pulling back to throw your
view the meager handfuls of
thrown on your autumnal
silken bed -
remember that as you judge
so too will you be judged -
not with what you have done
or earned -
but with the inner coil strength
of your potential
maleficent being.

Lament and lacrimosa,
requiem for not what was
but for the what could
have been.

Death, acting as time's
greatest traitor -
defiler of the oceans of
innocence within the eyes
of our young -
the silence of the bell-snuff
against the low-orange
flame of the

Quiet & contemplative & absent -
death and life -
boisterous & rambunctious & present -
old and young -

yesterday & tomorrow.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Greek Goddess Lolinolixia

While I know that this isn't exactly poetry, it is for my Greek Mythology class, and I figured I'd put it on here for your enjoyment!

The Goddess of the Internet
as translated by Michael West III
from the
Lol Tablets

Oh, sweet Muse, tell me, your heaven-bid scribe, upon the great Goddess known as Lolinolixia. Grant me the wisdom of prosperity upon hearing your utterance of the sweet mistress of the Internet.”
- Ancient ritual poem from the Lol cult of Lolinolixia

Lolinolixia, born of Athena and Hermes, is the Goddess of the Internet or also known, by the Lol cult, as the “sweet mistress” of the Internet. Lolinolixia, bearing divinity over cats, the Internet, and online pirating, bears chaotic goodness upon the world. Holding a sigil and emblem of the wondrous Grumpy Cat, Lolinolixia is attended by the Internet nymphs Wikia and Wi-fios, and can be seen riding her powerful steed named Lan.

Lolinolixia's birth is recorded in the Lol Tablets;
Finding the world of post-Cold War peace, the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus decided to get fussed up and primped and proper, and hold a gathering, with Dionysus providing veritable wines from his vineyards and Pan headlining as DJ for the get-together. As the hours of the party continued to float away, the deities found themselves in groups or pairs, conversing and generally getting along. Many found themselves coupling up, trysting off in various corners of Zeus' newest heavenly renovated palace. One such heavenly Olympic couple found themselves with enough of Dionysus' wine in them that habitations and clothes left. Both, waking after a night of Pompeian passion, found themselves at loss of words and holding a basket, within it a bundle of cloth with the Sweet Mistress of the Internet laying within....”

The offspring of Lolinolixia as made known in the Lol Tablets;
“Lolinolixia, seeing the Internet as a yet un-proven and un-tilled soil of beauty, gave birth to a daughter, which she gave the sight of knowledge and the vast reaches of humanity's knowledge. Upon seeing that her creation was a beauty, gave her the name of Google. Her sons Piratebaya and Wikileakxio, sprang up, created by the Sweet Mistress in times of humanity's wickedness.”

A challenge to the young Lolinolixia and the Internet, as read in the Lol Tablets;
As the realm of the Internet was still but young in life, there was a man, a powerful vice-consul of a once-great nation, who was named Algorix. Algorix led a campaign through-out the capital city to gain favor and support in the next assembly vote for consul – as the previous consuls had come of age of retirement and leisured assisted living. Algorix, sensing his powerful allies within the senatorial assembly were finding favor with Algorix' opponents in the consul-vote, as man named Dubbja. Algorix, then decided to thumb his nose towards favor and fate of the Gods upon Olympus and make his own destiny – even if it led to his demise.
Standing below his counterparts, on the assembly floor, Algorix began to regale a tale of creation and wonder – of building a vast and beautiful network, that which being far superior to that of Lolinolixia. All those gathered, upon hearing his heretical speech, fell silent in awe of Algorix' heathendom towards the domain of Lolinolixia.
The Sweet Mistress, upon hearing Algorix' blasphemous heresy, walked upon the Earth as a mere woman-child, barely over the age of first-blood. Standing next to Algorix, the Sweet Mistress bade Algorix to recant his tale, or else be doomed to failure and unending ridicule. Algorix, finding his ego to have inflated over his control, bade no recantation and only merely challenged the woman-child to silence herself. While temporarily blinding the assembly, Lolinolixia came upon Algorix in her true Olympic form, causing Algorix to burn in a Vulcan-powered heat, completely destroying and killing Algorix upon the spot...

The story of a once-great nation and Lolinolixia's favored hero of humanity;
“Finding the human world to be up to no good, Lolinolixia found favor upon the young hero known as Edward Snowden – taking him and sending him upon the perilous journey of disclosing various political and governmental discrepancies created by a once-great nation. With Lolinolixia's guidance and strength, Snowden successfully completed his journey and adventure to open the eyes of the world to how dark and previously-unknown the then-great-nation had become. For his greatness and bravery in the face of innumerable and objectionable enemies and obstacles, Lolinolixia rewarded her favored hero Edward Snowden with the gift of Sanctuary within the country of Putinland, then known as the ancient country of Russia....”

Thus concludes the inscriptions found upon the Lol Tablet, as the rest of the Tablet was damaged with no remaining fragments found, as of late.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Letter to daughter : Lacrimosa

I pray thee - see that
my mind is full of
dark and new creatures,
breathing moons and dead
stars. Odile, my fair queen,
lament and know that -
I, of soldier born
and worldly travels,
have failed yet again -
loveless and nameless,
I shall be struck off
of registers known
and widely studied.
   Oh, Lacrimosa,
how soulless can I
be? Oh, heavens' pray
that by fading light,
forged from things unknown,
and wielded by they -
my fate be motioned
and held safe till you
may come hither and
liberate my soul.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tear-filled Confessions

When we face our own demons,
we aren't given a Dummies guide,
how to dodge pitfalls and swallow
the pity and pride -

We all feel the Darkness sometime,
when the roofs over our head fall in
and traps us in smotherings of pain.
We all feel the frozen links of
self-loathing and regret fetter
us into pools of dispair -
it is not something to
let go of without a fight -

I know you feel so small,
so weak a-midst stumbling and falls,
Love, this pain is all growing pains,
so say something, don't give up on you -
I'm sorry that it hurts and I can't save you,
you know I follow you into hell and back again,
so please say something, don't just give up on you.

You know I love you, even when the pain
is over our heads, but we're still learning
to love and learning to grow.

When we face our demons alone,
we are at our weakest,
but love, when we face our demons
nothing can tear
our love


Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Light Rain in May

My dear, while we may be across opposite ends of a sea,
of frothy white-capped waves -
I still remember your lightning laugh and thunder smile.
I still remember my love with the tiger-lily eyes.

Darling, I am still under the spell
of hearing you whisper
"I love you" on the first
early spring breeze.
I still feel the smooth of your lips
on my neck as your kisses
mixed with misty mid-May rain.

How long will this distance remain
between us?
Will it be until the seas
buckle & fold
our paths cross again?

Yes - for
only then will the
white-capped waves
