Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cosmic Intentions

I can not imagine a world without you,
it would be dark and lonely.
I would not want to live in such a place -
for you are not just some star in the heavens,
you are my sun,
with which you give me life.

How could I not fall for her -
a love of brun and noir,
for when the sun shines
through her hair -
passions, intensity,
fire and smoke burn through,
raven's wings breathe in.

It's not fair, a lover so far away,
because of you my demons remain at bay,
I've given offering of sanity and age
but no matter how close I get,
you seem to stay close, but too far away.

I can not imagine a world without you,
it would be cold and lifeless.
I would not build a house or home there -
for you are not just some girl on this earth,
you are my everything,
with which I measure my heartbeat.

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