Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nebulaen Mystic

There is something not human in your bones,
You feel more at home staring at the stars,
The darkness and helplessness of your depression
erodes your sanity and roots you in a world of
bland scenery.

You bite the insides of your lips to feel mercurial pain,
You box your own ears to hear the ring of the bells of reality.

You are a nebula,
a birthplace of wishes & dreams -
You are a gypsy soul,
staring at bedroom walls dreaming
of someplace else.

Do not fear resting in the sands of uncertainty,
Do not fear the uncharted journey through this life,
regardless of the number of steps taken
or of the hours spent worrying
or the people who have come & gone in you life -

Regardless of all that is done or not -

Keep going.

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